Support the Biggest Positivity Movement

If you found our stories insightful, informative, or even just enjoyable, we invite you to consider making a voluntary payment to support the work we do at The Better India.

Your contribution helps us continue producing quality content that educates, inspires, and drives positive change. By paying for the stories you value, you directly contribute to sustaining our efforts focused on making a difference in the world. Together, let's ensure that impactful stories continue to be told and shared, enriching lives and communities alike.

Each and every contribution is important to us! Check out some of the large-scale impacts we created through empowering and uplifting stories.

  1. #TransformAVillage -Transformed the lives of villagers of Pimpaldhara by providing solar electricity and drinking water.
  2. #SaveFarmerFamilies - 35 Farmer Widows set up their own sustainable businesses in just 3 days.
  3. #SignalShala - Identified families and children staying at Teen Hath Naka signal in Thane and raise awareness and funds for India's first Signal School.


The Better India


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